
I have developed an evidence-based programme and written an array of practical resources for schools to support the effective use of teaching assistants

Making the Best Use of Teaching Assistants 

This guidance, co-written with the EEF, contains evidence-based recommendations to help schools unlock the potential of their TAs. The guide is accompanied by a comprehensive suite of resources to support processes of review and implementation, and it's brought to life in a free online course.

Guidance for UK schools  |  Guidance for Australian schools

Maximising the Impact of Teaching Assistants

MITA is an innovative and integrated school improvement and training programme. It has been shown to improve how TAs are deployed and prepared for their classroom roles, leading to a positive impact on pupil engagement and independence. Visit the website for free resources and tools. 


Teaching Assistant Deployment Review Guide

Written for the Dept for Education-funded Whole School SEND programme, the TA Deployment Review Guide provides a framework for school leaders to evaluate their current practice against the best available research evidence.

Download the TA Deployment Review Guide

Learning Support Assistants in FE & Training

The Education and Training Foundation developed this guidance with the EEF to help leaders and managers in the further education and training sector make evidence-informed decisions about how best to deploy and support LSAs to improve learner outcomes.

Download the LSAs in FE & Training guidance